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The Team

Who We Are

Don Francis

Marketing Director

Don has a long history in company marketing and IT. He has worked for some of the most successful companies, including Stanley Steel, and Walgreens.


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Ashley Jones

Director of Human Resources

Ashley started at Gerber many years ago while she was in college. After fininishing college she took on the lead for our HR department.

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Tess Brown

Administration Director

Tess has a background in hospital administration and joined the team in 1990.


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Lisa Rose

Real Estate Director

Lisa has a long history in real estate management and real estate law. She joined the team at Gerber in 1981.


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Gerber International Holdings, LLC.

 Gerber Holdings International, LLC.  website proudly created and managed by Phillips Multimedia Group a division of Geber International Holdings, LLC. All rights reserved ©2023

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